Mark Zuckerberg is a good example of someone who had energy like yours. You lack Earth element in your mind and Spirit. Earth element is the foundation upon which everything grows. So you can have desire but none of that desire stands up to time. And none of your dreams blossom and bear fruit and become reality.
So Mark Zuckerberg created something with Earth element energy. He created facebook. Facebook is Earth Energy because people can plant themselves in his environment and they can grow networks like Vines.
You need to find something like that for yourself. What can you work on and what can you study that would invite people, thoughts, data, storage, growth? You would be like a farmer that is just renting out his land.
This would be the perfect place to start.
You have direct internal physical conflicts that also need to be resolved. But the mental opportunity will give you the biggest rewards. Start here first and let me know how things work out as time goes by.
Use https://timeportal.pro/alerts.html to see when you will have opposition from the universe. But besides those times, things should work out very well for you when you work on building something with Earth Energy.