Disaster and SuperCharging Harmonic Resonance Warnings

How to Use

Hot colors like red and orange are disaster warnings. If you get a disaster warning for your birth month, scroll to the top and see what aspect of your life is effected. If you have 2 or more hot colors together, this multiplies the damage. Click Earth and Mars column headers to see the most destructive months grouped together. If you are a CEO, click Jupiter to JupiterSaturn. These are the forces that control decision making and strategy.

The length of time each supercharging harmonic resonance or destructive dissonant energy will persist ranges from 2.5 days to 29 months. The duration is shortest with the Moon column then gets longer as you move right. For exact dates, join https://futureview.app. To get free disaster alerts, use https://futureview.app/alert.

for questions, use https://reddit.com/r/taoistastrology.