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The most important thing you can do is spend time with someone who has wood- energy from Jupiter and someone else with fire-.

These people will make you very strong

What do you think, can I make a few demo songs and find people who will help me further develop them? And can I do that?

  • noki replied to this.

    noki I reached out to a guy who was born in the year of the pig, and he didn’t accept the collaboration.

      wizard First of all, I want to say that you’re really helping me a lot. I have a problem with people not respecting me or my ideas, and I can’t seem to make progress in creating music because they don’t understand me. I’ve come too far to give up, and I don’t want to. I reached out to a guy online who I thought would be a good part of the team. He turned me down... Now, my plan is to stay in my room, record a few demo songs on guitar, and then look for a team. I was born in the Year of the Goat, and the guy who declined collaboration was born in the Year of the Pig (I read on a site, Future... something, that I should avoid them). I’ll have to search for people online since there’s no one in my environment who’s ambitious or creative.


        Everybody is busy and exhausted. So when you ask someone to give you their opinion or ideas or help you, you have to make them feel good about helping you. And you have to make sure that they continue to feel good. So part of the secret to making people help you is making it fun and rewarding and very very brief. It actually takes a lot of thought to be able to set up a conversation this way. This is an absolutely necessary skill to get anywhere in life. But you do need to build a team of people who are energetically harmonic to. So keep trying.

        • noki replied to this.

          wizard I make bad mistakes where strange things happen, and people appear, and sometimes I have intuition, but I get scared and do something wrong, losing it... How can I change this? What is the reason for my laziness?

          Your Mercury is water and your venus and Moon are both fire. Mercury is the energy of physical action. Mercury gives you the energy to do things. And everything you do is like water. So every time you do something, you end up hurting your inner self and even your money, possessions, health. So subconsciously, you decided not to do anything.

          What you need instead is to carry your water in a vessel so it doesn't splash up against your inner self fire and your physical possession fire.

          The moon represents your inner self. Venus represents your physical possessions including your health and your body.

          To protect your private self and your possessions, you need to be in an environment with wood and metal. Wood feeds the fire and fire becomes powerful around metal because it can melt metal.

          And you should work with things that are dry, hot, fiery so that you're Mercury energy doesn't attack you. Your actions should just attack what you're working on not yourself.

          What can you do that involves wood and metal?

          • noki replied to this.

            wizard I play wooden instruments, guitar and wooden flute. My days go by, I'm getting lazier and lazier, I sleep for 10 hours... but I just don't go near the instruments

            noki you need to surround yourself with people who have wood and metal energy.

            You are fire. And fire dies without wood. Fire is only powerful when it is melting metal.

            Ask people what their birthday is. See what energy they are made out of.

            these are the results of friends, are we a good team, he also plays music


              noki can you upload a screen capture of the whole page when you compare your two birth dates

              I'm not the type to complain, but I have a problem because I have no idea how to attract people. I've closed myself off so much trying to make music, but if I have the music, I don't have the lyrics, and I can't figure out what I want to say. And if I invited someone over, they’d either laugh or realize I don’t have the capacity, even though I know I can't get to the part where I actually explain my plan. Just because I'm not excellent in music theory doesn't mean I can't create the riffs I've already made... Without theory, all my music influences have worked without knowledge of theory. And everything is like that in life; with people, I can't talk about music, spirituality, and knowledge because they're outside of my frequency. It's very difficult for me, and I don't want to end up homeless, nobody, and nothing... but this suffering leads nowhere.

              I put plants in the room and that lemon tree..I'll try to surround myself with plants and meditate before playing, but I still don't have a clear vision of what to sing...while playing the guitar sometimes sounds great, sometimes bad, and I don't have the singing and melodies

              ’ll never meet anyone who satisfies me, either romantically or as a friend... no one understands me, and no one wants to. Even when I pretend to be what people want, they start laughing at me... When I answer questions in class, everyone laughs and says I’m joking, even though the professors praise my dedication... I sit down again and try to play, but I either have no ideas or no luck.

              ’d love to, and I think it’s fair to pay for your services, but I don’t have the means.

              Low or Missing 5 Elements Energies Diagnosis and Symptoms, TCM Astrology: Low Water Element | Missing Earth Energy | Metal Element | Fire Element | Low Wood Energy || 5 Element Energies to Avoid if You're Excessive: Excess Wood Qi
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