New Advanced Oracles | predict your compatibility with anybody | find your soulmate | see into the lives of billionaires and the elite | travel across time in the time machine, Mer.wa.metal-,, Ear.ea.metal+,, Jup.wo.water-, Sat.ea.wood+, MJ.fiwo.water-

Hello! I’m looking for past resolution as well as future predictions regarding careers. Thanks so much for your time.

I’m not sure if it’s possible but I’m going through a confusing time with my current partner, wondering if you can provide insights? His energy is:, Mer.wa.metal+,, Ear.ea.wood-,, Jup.wo.metal+, Sat.ea.metal-, MJ.fiwo.water+


    Your relationship will only work if you both have abundance.

    You are both embracing of each other in different ways.

    Embracing a simultaneously comforting, reassuring, strengthening and limiting, constraining, restricting.

    Where have you been, what are you doing, who are you with, when are you going to be back, will happen a lot in your relationship. And this is fine as long as neither of you are needy. When one of you isn't doing well in life either financially or emotionally, this becomes a burden to the other person.

    If you create remedies for your own internal energetic signature, then you can live in the life of internal and external abundance. When this happens you're embrace and restrictiveness will be mild and and spacious.

    No one likes to be restricted into a small metal cage. But if you restrict me into a mansion on My own Private Island that has all my best friends and a fantastic supermarket, hell, you can restrict me all day long.

    Low or Missing 5 Elements Energies Diagnosis and Symptoms, TCM Astrology: Low Water Element | Missing Earth Energy | Metal Element | Fire Element | Low Wood Energy || 5 Element Energies to Avoid if You're Excessive: Excess Wood Qi
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