You currently have extremely high residence energy going through all your activities and physical actions. Extremely. Then for your physical body and emotions, you have both harmonic and dissonant canceling energies simultaneously.
Finally, for your mind and your spirit, which determines whether you make wise decisions or decisions that you're going to regret, you've also got extremely high energy multifold resonant and dissonant energies right now.
This means that whatever you do, if it's physical, it'll work out very well in the long term and immediately.
But if it's an emotional or mental decision it could go either way and it'll go either way to the extremes. You'll either do very well and be very happy or very poorly and be in regrets for years to come.
This is because all your planets are either in harmony or conflict with the current locations of all the planets. It's very much like a war of the gods.
In situations like this, you have extreme high energy. Whatever your goals and desires were in the past, multiply the scale of your dreams by 100 fold. If you're trying to put $10,000 in your bank account, visualize 10 million.
Upscale everything by 100 fold.
Then, you're going to need remedies to deflect the dissonant energies. When deciding whether to start a new job, start a business, get married, move to another country, which are currently all decisions you should be making because you have so much power running through you right now, you need to do so where you can hear a waterfall or a river running. Light a little fire or at least three candles while you make your decisions.
Do you have major decisions you can make right now? Are you at a major crossroad in your life right now?
With this much voltage running through your life, you have to have multiple portals open up to you simultaneously. Some of them will be disastrous. Others will make you extremely successful