Pro you have three internal conflicts and you were at the point in your timeline where you now have three more external conflicts. This will be one of the hardest periods in your life. Your external conflicts will end in about a month and a half. But your internal conflicts will remain until you can harmonize them.
Harmonization requires meeting people who need the excess energy that's destructive to you. You have energy inside of you that's destructive to you but when other people are exposed to that energy, it's empowering and healing. So they will take that energy from you. And you will get energy from them that they don't want.
To make this process faster and more complete, learn meditation. It empowers you to get out of your way.
Your life as it is now, your emotions cause you to lose money and health. And your relationships cause you frustration. These two things should be reversed. Your emotions should make you passionate about doing something that brings in a great deal of wealth. And your relationships should strengthen you and give you the emotional fortitude to dominate in life.
We simply need to redirect those energies so they're not causing conflicts within yourself.