Welcome. If you post your birthday in the new discussion, I'll see you at much faster.
First of all, you're going through both a harmonic supercharging Transit and a destructive Transit from two different planets physically. This means that your health can be very strong and suddenly very weak and under attack. This also applies for your money. You can suddenly make a lot of money and lose it all. So all you have to do is deflect the opposing cancellation energy.
You need to deflect the metal energy from Earth to do that. If you respond to this, I'll tell you how to do this.
The remedy is very simple but very powerful.
I should reiterate that this is the one moment in about a year and a half where you can make a lot of money. But it only lasts about 38 days.
Besides the temporary powerful energy that you have right now, we need to build you permanent powerful energy. This is your energetic signature
Metal Plus,
fire minus,
wood minus,
metal Plus,
wood minus,
Earth plus,
fire minus
You need mental water and physical earth and water. These are your supercharging and elements.
We can continue the discussion when you respond here