Women's Soulmate Birthdate Finder

Start at https://timeportal.pro/energeticsignature.html. Use the small green COPY 5 ELEMENTS button to paste below. This page is designed for women between 18 and 26 years only. It is designed to find a soulmate that's wiser, more emotionally understanding, and richer than you. If you are a male and you don't mind a woman like this, you can use this too. To actually meet people born on these dates, join our private community: https://futureview.app/community/. If you are male or age is over 26, use the link above.

Analysis Results

Planet Element Date Ranges Notes

Finding Business or Romantic Soulmates

To find a business soulmate, all you need is someone born with common dates from Mars-Jupiter and Earth. To find a romantic soulmate, you need to find someone who has a common date in all three planets including Mercury. Some people aren't going to have a date range that's common to all 3 planets. That's ok. We can use a more advanced oracle to find other harmonic resonances aka harmonic synastries. To do that, contact us in social media at https://reddit.com/r/taoistastrology or https://instagram.com/futureviewapp. For private and first priority response, use https://timeportal.pro/services.html

Every human has 7 aspects. The above table only finds your perfect soulmate in 3 of these 7 aspects. To find your perfect harmonic resonance soulmate in the other 3 aspects including financial, long range planning, spiritual, contact us in social media or get a private reading.