Extraordinary Gift and Hidden Power Finder


Ruling Planet Aspect of Your Being Element Dates Animal Dates 5 Elements Animal Explanation

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What does this mean?

Wood+ and Rat roughly correspond to Capricorn. The cutoff angles are not exactly at 30 degrees so you're going to get slightly different results from Western Astrology. Since we use 5 elements, we can also calculate the meaning of empty houses and combinations of houses and planets.

Most people don't have strong healthy power from each planet. This is actually a good thing. If you had the strongest luckiest power from each planet, meaning you had the best planet to house placements, you'd actually be internally destructive. Worse than that, you'd be socially destructive. You'd be a sociopathic recluse.

The healthiest people have unhealthy energy from a few planets sprinkled in. Then, their other energies compliment those weaknesses and they become internally harmonic like a sharp chord in a minor key in music. You can create incredible music with notes that shouldn't sound good together.

Finally, if you don't even have internally harmonic energies, then you are the most beloved by the universe. The universe sends you other people who have your missing energies or planets in missing houses to harmonize with. You build beautiful marriages, big families, huge corporations, even nations.

Of course, people who are gifted and incredibly talented can also do all of these things. But they generally hate other people and everybody hates them. Click the links in the table above to learn about yourself. And join our private community be connected with people who are perfect harmonic soulmates for you: https://futureview.app/community.

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