You have 7 different aspects. Every person will either empower or clash with any of your aspects. For example, someone could make you laugh and feel good but they might be bad for your health. Someone else might be a great influence on your body and finances but destroy all your big picture plans and thinking. This oracle will tell you exactly how anyone will effect you. If you know, you are empowered to respond. If you're ignorant, you get victimized. Or go to our other oracles: see into your past and future | find your perfect soulmate.
This table shows the elemental interactions between two dates. The colors indicate different types of relationships:
• Light Blue - Aggressively SuperEmpowering: Makes You Assertive, Powerful, Productive
• Light Green - Protectively SuperEmpowering: Makes You Shielded No Matter What You Do
• Light Orange - Subtle Destructive: Destroys You Behind Your Back
• Light Red - Violent Destructive: Overtly, Violently Attacks You
Each row represents a different aspect of the relationship, from physical (Body) to spiritual (Life Vision). The elements shown indicate the energetic qualities present in each person's chart. And the result column tells you how your two energies interact from your perspective. In many cases, if you're being destroyed, the destructive person is being empowered by you like the mythical dracula. Next, meet people who have 100% harmonic energy. They are perfectly empowering to you. In nature, you brush by them all the time. But your mind is blind to their energy because its so different from yours. They have all the energy you don't. Here's where you meet them: