White wine and steak clash. C and F# clash. Wing tips and Speedos clash. You and anyone born 584 days apart and in the same season clash (this part, nobody ever notices). Nobody ever asks why because nobody noticed the macro pattern.
Is there a pattern? Is there a predictable pattern that tells me who I'm going to clash with, who's going to turn into a psycho stalker that will ruin my life, and when?
You all use social media. Go through all your old posts to find when you were the happiest and most successful. Then search for when you were the most angry, upset, destroyed. Write down the dates. Use a spreadsheet to calculate the difference between dates. You'll be shocked to learn there is in fact a pattern.
You can do the same thing with people's birth dates. You'll find a clear pattern. You can use that pattern to predict if the next person you date will end up being a nightmare crazy person or super soulmate. You can use that same pattern to predict whether today will destroy your life or if today will make you super successful and powerful. No, it's not just your attitude that decides the outcome of a day. The best attitude in the world won't help you much when a meteor shower lands on your head.
Okay. so what causes these patterns?
Einstein answered this question about 70 years ago and the Yellow Emperor answered it 6000 years before him. But Einstein left pictures:

Just like waves in the ocean, sound waves, light waves, and all other energies, gravity waves have frequency and amplitude. That means gravity waves are calculatable just like all other waves are calculatable. Anything that's calculatable is predictable.
Remember this point as we move to point 2.
Earth gets the most gravity from the sun, moon, jupiter, venus, mars, mercury, saturn, in that order. As venus and mars spins around the sun, their distance from earth stretches as much as 500 to 700%. That's a huge distance difference. Would you rather walk 1 mile or 7? But due to the law of inverse squares, also a function of Einstein's field theory, 500% distance means 25 times difference in gravity. 700% distance means 49 times difference. So if a woman weighed 100 lbs, she would weigh 4,900 lbs. More than most SUVs at scale.

You are permanently branded with this energetic signature and will emit this wave length cocktail for life. Whoever said we are all born to the beat of a different drummer was a poet and a prophet.
Grapes from different years make very different tasting wine. People from different years have very different temperaments, personalities, IQ, skills and tastes. If you don't believe this, Google "trait cohorts."
This is point 2. There's only one more point to remember now.
Every wave has a harmonic and destructive discordant pair. And they are all predictable because they are all calculatable. This explains how quantum harmonic resonance works: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzCQn3DmEqoOwveSC3D2bkRPQ_i44sNiF&si=cm5aaeVfcJwHFraS . You already know that gravity waves cause the harmonics and that it's all predictable now. This video explains how harmonics causes wine glasses and your life to get destroyed. So you'll now be able to tell where the existential potholes in life are.
To know if someone is compatible or a nightmare for you: https://timeportal.pro/enemy
To know if you're going to make a perfect life changing decision or a decision you'll regret your whole life, use: https://timeportal.pro/decisions .
For private consulting: https://timeportal.pro/services.html .