Arch Nemesis Enemy Finder: Taoist Astrology

How to Use

Enemies are people who either directly or secretly destroy you or what you've built. Each column explains what part of your life the enemy destroys. If a cell is blank, that means that anyone born on this date does not destroy this aspect of your life. Only the cells with data in them tells you how a person with the birthdate in the first column destroys and sabotages you. For example, if earth is found in your Mars column, that means this person destroys your relationship with earth energy. And their birthdate is in the same row in the first column.

So what does it mean to be destroyed by wood, fire, earth, metal, or water energy? This depends on what column the elemental data is found. For example if fire was found in the Venus column, since Venus is literal body energy, the person born on this date will literally try to burn you with fire. If fire energy was found in the Mars column, they will burn you with Mars or relationship fire energy. What is relationship fire? Well, you have to ask what fire energy is. Fire moves with the wind. Fire grows in all directions. Fire consumes everything in it's path. Fire kills. Fire is bright, visible from long distances. What would have that energy in a relationship context? A rumor. Rumors move with the wind, they grow uncontrolably in all directions, they consume and kill, and everyone knows about the rumon from long distances away. So this person will start viscious rumors about you.

What do all the other elements mean? How do I find the opposite of my enemy -- my soulmate? Can I use the same taoist astrological system to find my soulmate?. I'll slowly explain at Use Yes, at If you want a private reading, use Secret tip: If you find a bottle of wine made in a enemy year, DO NOT DRINK IT. It is a sorcerors poison. It will destroy your ability to think clearly for weeks. If it was bottled in an enemy month, it will destroy your relationships and happiness for months. It's bottled energy.

Be particularly cautious of people with 3 or more enemy elements. They are far more powerful and destructive to you. They will feed off your pain like vampires.