Astrological Analysis Services Comparison

Feature Free Service Paid Service VIP Paid Service
Predictions Past supercharging and destructive moments, current energetic dangers Upcoming supercharging and destructive moments by exact date Upcoming supercharging and destructive moments by exact date for the next 12 months
Event Alerts Destructive events 1 day in advance Destructive and supercharging events 1 week and 1 day in advance Destructive and supercharging events 1 month and 1 week in advance with annual roadmap
Soulmate Connections (business or romantic) 2 per month, 1 week delay. No local connections for men. Free local connections for women. Priority immediate connection and local connection. 10 connections per month. Immediate local and global connections. Unlimited connections.
Ongoing Energetic Remedies 1x per year 4x per year seasonal remedies Monthly 12x per year event based remedies
Social Advice Online open social advice as time permits Priority advice within 5 days Monthly 2x usage 48h response. Unlimited priority response
Private Reading from Master No 3 Private Emails 8x Private Emails or 35min Voice Call + 3 Emails
Payment Free PayPal PayPal
Crypto Payment Free $80 of $IDP $280 of $IDP

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